Interreg Europe

Region Arts

Program: Interreg Europe

Project goal: The project seeks to positively influence the business of SMEs at all stages of the development cycle in order to better develop and engage in innovation and thus increase their competitiveness. The long-term goal of the project is to influence the implementation of regional development policies and programs aimed at growth and job creation. This would be achieved by adopting and designing 1 action plan for each region. These action plans would promote 140 new collaborations, 20 by region, 20% of which would present innovations by 2022.

Creating links between artists and ICT companies in order to promote successful business collaborations that require new policies and actions in the modern age of innovation and knowledge and form the main goals of the project.

Partners: The project involves 8 partners from 7 countries Portugal, Italy, Netherland, Greece, Belgium, Finland, Croatia). The partners are divided into those aimed at promoting the competitiveness and innovation of SMEs and those focused on promoting the arts and non-technical innovations as drivers of innovation through close cooperation with public administration.

The project itself consists of two phases: the first phase consists of the exchange of knowledge and experience, while the second phase consists of the implementation of action plans.

Project duration: The project lasts for 5 years (2018 - 2023)

Budget: € 1,635,670.00, (85% EU co-financed)

Region Arts

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