
Students from University North visited Incubator of Creative Industries

On October 25th students from University North visited the Incubator of Creative industries. Enter team presented the incubator's work and projects that are implemented. Enter team presented among others ECOS4IN project and what was done during the project duration. Students were coming from the Department of Food Technology of University North as a part of the course „Introduction to Marketing“. They were interested in digitalization processes related to the production, distribution and marketing of food products. Students were introduced to possibilities of multisector collaboration, examples of these collaborations and innovativeness of products and services that could come out from this process.

One of the entrepreneurs working within Incubator of creative industry, Ivan Vrhovski held a lecture to the students. Ivan is director of marketing agency „Wrhovski“, their clients come from wide areas such as retail, bakery business or silverware retail. He presents to the students new business processes which result in innovation in product launches and sales.

The project ECOS4IN is funded by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Program ( and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

25 10/2021
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