
Join us for an interactive online training session, test the platform for F&D professionals!

Join us for an interactive online training session dedicated to testing the beta  version of our new platform!

27th March 2024 

from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm at CET time zone

The event will take place online via Teams. 

To register participants are asked to complete the registration form at this link Registration to Transnational Training (

Participants are kindly requested to ensure they have access to a computer as the event is not compatible with phones or tablets.  Please note that the entire event will be conducted in English to ensure clarity and effective communication among all participants.  For more information visit our website


• Platform Presentation: Background and Features

• Hands-on Activity: Document and Platform Demonstration 

• Hands-on Activity: Participant Interaction 

• Feedback and Q&A Session 


The ‘CODES’ project aims to support the fashion and design sector in facing the transformations of a  changing world, which are strongly influencing the fields of artistic creation and the related value chain.  The overall objective of the project is to promote innovative business models that address market  transformations, based on new forms of collaborative artistic creation, thanks to the enabling potential of  digital technologies.


• Discover why our platform was created and how it meets the needs of the CODES project. • Deep dive into key platform features through a practical demo.

• Receive direct support in using the platform through a dedicated training document. • Be part of the development process by providing essential feedback during the feedback session.

Detail agenda is available on the project CODES website 

The project was funded by the European Union (Creative Europe Program).

07 03/2024
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